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Public Corruption

Case Conclusion Date:March 6, 2014Practice Area:Federal CrimeOutcome:The client's presumed sentence was 12-16 months in a federal prison, but after a sentencing hearing he was sentenced to probation.Description:Client was charged in as a public official who received illegal gratuities. The client worked at a local Air Force Base and received thousands of dollars worth of gifts from a contractor who did a lot of work at the base....

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Murder Charge Dismissed

Case Conclusion Date:April 15, 2014Practice Area:Criminal Defense Outcome:Murder charge dismissed, and the client agreed to 12 years on the Burglary charge.Description:Client was charged with Murder in the Second Degree and Burglary in the First Degree related to the death of a drug dealer in St. Louis. ...

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6th Offense DWI – Not Guilty

a pair of keys next to an alcoholic drink

Case Conclusion Date: September 17, 2014Practice Area: DUI / DWIOutcome: Not Guilty after Jury TrialDescription: Client was found next to his running truck with his pants down. There was a girl in the cab of the truck and they were both very intoxicated. Jury acquitted the client because there was not enough evidence that he was operating the vehicle even though it was running at the time....

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Can You Be Subject to License Suspension if Cleared of DWI?

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in Driver's License Suspension or Revocation on Friday, September 26, 2014. Can your driver's license be suspended even if you were cleared of criminal charges for driving while intoxicated? In Missouri, the answer might be "yes." That is because driver's license suspensions and revocations are managed in both criminal and administrative forums. Reversing a license suspension that was precipitated by DWI charges may require more effort than you would initially imagine. What happens after I am arrested? First, you need to understand the administrative process associated with license suspension. When...

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