A young schoolteacher was facing a DWI charge. She admitted to drinking, failed several Field Sobriety Tests, and refused to submit to the breath test. The prosecutor’s office refused to reduce the charge because they felt like they had a strong case.
At trial Mr. Korner aggressively questioned both police officers involved in the arrest. After only a short time deliberating the jury found the young woman Not Guilty.
A newly married couple from Jefferson County was driving home from a Memorial Day barbecue when pulled over for a DWI. The gentleman driving had three prior DWI’s, which made this case a felony DWI charge.
Under the laws of Missouri this man would have had to complete at least 60 days in jail and be a convicted felon if he plead guilty or was found guilty. At trial Mr. Korner confronted a veteran police officer who had logged more than 2,000 career DWI arrests. The jury only deliberated briefly before finding the gentleman Not Guilty on all charges.
A man with a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) was pulled over for speeding at 11:00 a.m. on his way to a doctor’s appointment. The man failed Field Sobriety Tests and his breath test result was 0.11%, well over the legal limit.
Mr. Korner won the hearing with the Department of Revenue by showing there was no reason this man should have even been arrested in the first place. The criminal charges were amended to a simple traffic ticket and the man was able to keep his CDL without any interruption of his driving privileges.
A man who holds an executive position with a large out-of-state corporation was driving through Missouri late on a Friday night. He was drinking bourbon as he drove, and by the time he was pulled over in rural Missouri his blood alcohol content was more than twice the legal limit.
Mr. Korner worked with his client to change some behaviors and highlight all of the good things this man does for his community. Mr. Korner put together a binder of information regarding the man and gave it to the prosecuting attorney so the prosecutor would understand this was not just another file.
After nearly a year of fighting the case, the felony DWI (his fourth offense) was amended to a misdemeanor, which allowed the man to keep his executive job.
A man receives his 8th DWI on the 4th of July when he is arrested in his running truck after drinking at a bar all day. However, the man was in the truck but not driving. Although the Missouri laws tend to still view this as operating a motor vehicle, Mr. Korner convinced a jury otherwise.
The jury was out less than two hours and came back with a verdict of not guilty. After the verdict the jury foreperson, an elderly lady, approached Mr. Korner and said, “Two things: tell your client to stop drinking, and if I ever need a lawyer I want it to be you.”
If you or a loved one has been arrested for a DWI and need results for your case, then call 314-409-2659 or click here to fill out an information form to schedule a free consultation.
Mr. Korner has dedicated his career to defending people who are accused of crimes, especially driving while intoxicated offenses. He has a proven track record of success, and will be able to answer all of your questions about what has happened, and what may happen as the case progresses.