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Flawed Breath Testing Program in Michigan

DWI Breath Test Defenses

Michigan Police Suspend Breath Testing Contract The Michigan State Police have discovered a flaw in the breath testing program used in DWI investigations in the state. The Michigan State Police sent a letter to other police departments and prosecutor's offices throughout Michigan to inform them there is an issue with the breath test program. Unfortunately, the letter did not specify the flaws with the breath testing program, but it did state the contract with the breath testing company has been suspended due to the flaws. Types of Breath Test Problems Many people look at a breath test machine as perfect and beyond fault,...

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How a DWI Can Affect an Injury Case

DWI Car Accident

DWI Charges With Car Accident Injuries I was fortunate enough recently to be a guest of another attorney on his podcast. Tyson Mutrix, a personal injury attorney in Missouri, asked me to be on his podcast to discuss how a pending Driving While Intoxicated charge can affect an injury case arising out of the same incident. Essentially, if a person gets in an accident and someone is hurt by a drunk driver, how does that change the case and how do the two cases interact. My expertise lies in the criminal aspect of these cases. Tyson Mutrix's expertise is in the...

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Making A Positive Impact – How I Defend “Those” People

jason korner criminal defense attorney

Making A Positive Impact – How I Defend “Those” People When I meet new people and they find out that I am a criminal defense attorney, more often than not one question follows. The question is always some version of “How can you defend those people?” There are so many ways I want to answer this question because I feel very passionately about being a criminal defense attorney. If I launched into my full feelings the person asking the question would get far more than they wanted and I would probably not be very popular. The short answer is that the people...

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I’ve Been Pulled Over and Been Drinking … Now What?

DWI Lawyer St. Louis

Useful Information About DWI Investigations For many people there is no scarier situation than to be pulled over by the police after having some drinks. Whether its one or two drinks at a work happy hour, three or four drinks at a Christmas Party, or several drinks after a long night, fear and anxiety are unavoidable when dealing with the police. The first thing you must think about is context. Police already expect people to be drinking substantially more than usual this time of year because of the holidays. Starting with the night before Thanksgiving and going through New Years, the...

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