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Possession of Prescription Pills

When facing criminal charges from possession of prescription pills, you need a lawyer who understands the complexities of the criminal law process and the penalties you may face.


Jason Korner understands the fears and worries associated with drug charges. He also understand the penalties you may face, the rights you have during your proceedings and the options you have for defending yourself.


This knowledge, combined with Mr. Korner’s insight into both sides of the criminal law process, allows him to offer the aggressive and detailed defense you need while facing charges for possession or distrubution of a number of prescription drugs, including:










Possession of Prescription Pills Can Result in Criminal Charges

Criminal charges resulting in possession of prescription drugs has increased dramatically in recent years.  This is now an area of emphasis for law enforcement officials and prosecutors.  Although these drugs can be purchased and possessed legally with a prescription from a doctor, it is illegal for a person other than the owner of the prescription to possess these drugs.


It is also illegal for a person with a legal prescription to sell or distribute the prescription to another person.


Prescription drug possession and distribution in Missouri is treated the same illegal non-prescription drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine.  Possession alone can result in up to seven years in prison, while distribution can result in up to fifteen years in prison.


This growing trend is treated very seriously by the courts, which is why it is important to have a skilled and experienced lawyer if you have been charged with possession or distribution of prescription drugs.


If you or a loved one has been charged with a drug related crime please call The Law Office of Jason A. Korner at (314) 409-2659 today.  It is important to have your case reviewed by a knowledgeable lawyer who focuses on an aggressive defense.  Jason Korner has the skills and knowledge to effectively challenge many aspects of a drug case in the St. Louis area and throughout Missouri.