How a DWI Can Affect an Injury Case

DWI Charges With Car Accident Injuries
I was fortunate enough recently to be a guest of another attorney on his podcast. Tyson Mutrix, a personal injury attorney in Missouri, asked me to be on his podcast to discuss how a pending Driving While Intoxicated charge can affect an injury case arising out of the same incident. Essentially, if a person gets in an accident and someone is hurt by a drunk driver, how does that change the case and how do the two cases interact. My expertise lies in the criminal aspect of these cases. Tyson Mutrix’s expertise is in the injury portion of the case. My fight is with a criminal prosecutor, while his fight is against an insurance company who he is tryin to get to pay his client for pain and suffering from the injuries sustained in the accident.
Defending Possible Felony DWI Charges
My view on the interaction between the two cases is simple: the criminal case has the higher priority of the two cases. I will not allow my client to give any kind of statement to an investigator or an insurance company while the criminal case is still pending. I will generally speak with my client’s insurance company to explain the situation and inform them that my client is willing to give a statement, but just not until the criminal case has been resolved. I cannot have a client admitting to facts involving the accident, injuries, or intoxication when there is a pending criminal DWI case. A DWI case involving an injury can be charged as a felony DWI in Missouri, which can result in far greater penalties than a DWI without accident or injury.
Listen to the Podcast & Call with Any Questions
The full audio from the podcast is available at the link below. It’s a quick listen at only twelve minutes in length, but it is packed with a lot of valuable information regarding DWI accident resulting in an injury. If you have any further questions regarding these cases please contact my office at 314-409-2659, or click here to fill out the contact form and my office will contact you. If your question relates to the criminal aspects of the case then I will speak with you and answer your questions. If your question is regarding the injury aspect of the case then I will answer anything I can, but will refer you to speak with Tyson Mutrix so he can fully answer your questions.