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Top DWI Defenses – Drinking After Driving

By Jason Korner of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in DWI / Drunk Driving Charges on Monday, July 29, 2013. Every now and then a DWI case will come into my office where my client actually had an opportunity to drink alcohol between the time he was driving and when the police show up to investigate. Many times this will happen when there was some kind of minor accident involved. The scenario can play out like this: person driving the car gets in a small accident right in front of a bar. After exchanging...

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Missouri Officer’s Blood Alcohol Test May Be Unconstitutional

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in DWI / Drunk Driving Charges on Wednesday, July 24, 2013. On November 27, 2012, a Winnona, Missouri police officer drove to the Winona City Hall to sign papers. The deputy chief detected alcohol on his breath and subsequently ordered a blood alcohol test administered. The officer's BAC was 0.22 percent, over 2.5 times the legal limit to drive. He faces two gross misdemeanor charges for driving while intoxicated. However, the officer has recently questioned the constitutionality of the blood test. He is arguing that on the facts of...

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Police Officer in St. Louis Arrested for DWI

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in DWI / Drunk Driving Charges on Thursday, July 11, 2013. Anyone can be arrested for driving while intoxicated. One night's mistake, a problem with drugs or alcohol or simply having a single more drink that makes your blood alcohol concentration over 0.08 percent can lead to an arrest for drunk driving. That was demonstrated recently when a St. Louis police lieutenant was arrested on suspicion of DWI. The officer was off duty and in his own vehicle when pulled over by the Missouri Highway Patrol. The officer was...

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DWI Lawyer: Drunk Driving Ads Not Legally Accurate

By Jason Korner of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in DWI / Drunk Driving Charges on Wednesday, July 3, 2013. "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over." This is law enforcement's message to people regarding DWI investigations and arrests. It's short, it's cute, and it rhymes, but too bad it's not the law. Driving sober means not having had anything alcoholic to drink prior to driving. Everyone can agree that sober driving is legal. A person that has ten beers and drives is clearly drunk driving. Everyone can agree that is illegal. The point...

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