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missouri Tag

Missouri DWI Patrols Will Be Out in Full Force Over Labor Day

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in DWI / Drunk Driving Charges on Friday, August 30, 2013. People across the state of Missouri will be leaving their places of employment in just a few hours, ready to enjoy the long Labor Day weekend. For some this will mean packing up the car and heading out to see family, while for others it will mean calling up friends to have an impromptu picnic at a local park. Whatever their plans, people need to be aware that law enforcement officials will be out on the roads...

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NTSB Proposal for Lower BAC Limit Failing to Win Support

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in DWI / Drunk Driving Charges on Friday, August 23, 2013. Earlier this spring the National Transportation Safety Board -- the independent federal agency tasked with performing "special studies concerning transportation safety" -- issued a rather interesting recommendation that would drastically alter the legal landscape as it relates to drunk driving charges. The NTSB recommended that all 50 states lower their legal blood alcohol content limits from .08 to .05. The primary justification for such a move, said the agency, was that it would help reduce the number of...

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Ninth State Now Permits Saliva Tests at DWI Stops

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in DWI / Drunk Driving Charges on Friday, August 9, 2013. Law enforcement officials have a variety of tools at their disposal when it comes to combating impaired driving. For example, as we discussed in a post just last week, the Missouri State Highway Patrol frequently deploys both sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols in an attempt to make the roads as safe as possible or, in other words, make as many DWI arrests as possible. Interestingly, our neighbor to the south recently unveiled a new -- and controversial --...

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Pennsylvania Breath Test Ruling Calls Into Question Missouri DWI Procedures

By The Law Office of Jason A. Korner of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in DWI / Drunk Driving Charges on Wednesday, April 3, 2013. A DWI attorney in Pennsylvania recently challenged the value of breath test evidence for DWI cases in the State of Pennsylvania in Commonwealth v. Schildt. The judge hearing the case ruled that no breath test result below a 0.05% or above a 0.15% was valid given the testing procedures for Pennsylvania. There are several important issues that arise from this ruling for DWI cases in the St. Louis area...

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