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underage drinking Tag

Tie Found Between Underage Drinking and Caffeine

a caffeinated drink commonly mixed with alcohol

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in Underage Drinking on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. The Correlation Between Underage Drinking and Caffeine It has been widely publicized that college-age drinkers who combine caffeinated beverages and alcohol experience poor health outcomes. Those individuals are far more likely to require care at a hospital because of their risky decision-making when it comes to alcohol. Now, new evidence suggests that younger Missouri residents involved in underage drinking may also be mixing highly caffeinated drinks with alcohol, leading to an increase in health problems among younger adolescents. The new information comes...

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Lawsuit Highlights Dangers of Underage Drinking and Tailgating

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in Underage Drinking on Friday, November 8, 2013. Tailgating is a time-honored tradition for countless sports fan and concertgoers, who see it as an opportunity to spend time with friends and meet new people before the start of the big event. While barbeques and coolers are a staple at most of these tailgating parties, so is alcohol. In fact, many safety advocates have long pointed to these parking lot parties as primary venues for underage drinking due to the relative lack of supervision and/or police presence. Interestingly, this issue...

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Study Examines How Fake IDs Affect Alcohol Consumption Patterns

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in Underage Drinking on Friday, October 25, 2013. At this time of the year, college campuses here in Missouri and across the nation are buzzing with activity as students prepare for mid-terms, work part-time jobs and manage a busy extracurricular calendar. Not surprisingly, many of these students somehow manage to also make time for alcohol consumption. However, a new study shows that many of them doing so are not necessarily of the legal drinking age. A group of researchers at the University of Maryland set out to examine just...

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Bills Would Give Students Immunity from Underage Drinking Charges

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in Underage Drinking on Friday, October 4, 2013. One of the unfortunate realities when it comes to underage drinking and college students is that it often crosses the line from mere experimentation to dangerous overindulgence. Indeed, statistics have shown that levels of binge drinking among college students continue to rise despite the education and enforcement efforts of officials at schools here in Missouri and throughout the U.S. Interestingly, lawmakers in the state of Wisconsin are considering a somewhat novel approach to the problem of underage drinking: granting both academic...

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