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Panel Recommends Decreasing Legal Blood-Alcohol Concentration

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in DWI / Drunk Driving Charges on Thursday, May 16, 2013. Nearly a decade ago, U.S. Congress prodded states into lowering the acceptable blood-alcohol concentration for drivers to 0.08 percent. Since that time, Missouri has followed along and enforces that limit in drunk driving cases. More recently, however, the National Transportation Safety Board encouraged states to reduce the legal limit even further. According to the panel, the legal limit should be set at 0.05 percent, which is a significant change from the current laws. This move is being suggested...

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DWI Arrests Posted on Twitter by Minnesota State Patrol

By Jason Korner of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in DWI / Drunk Driving Charges on Monday, May 13, 2013. People arrested for DWI will now have their age and gender posted on Twitter by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. On May 10th the Minnesota Highway Patrol launched a crackdown on drunk driving that included posting the location of all drunk driving arrests along with the demographic information of the person arrested. It appears the original idea was to post the names of the people arrested for drunk driving as a way to...

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Social Host Laws Target Underage Drinking in Suburban St. Louis

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in Underage Drinking on Wednesday, May 8, 2013. Spring is a busy and exciting time for many high school students. Between prom and graduation, there is much to celebrate. As a result, teenagers may make the decision to consume alcohol at a party, which can produce a number of unintended consequences. As such, a number of communities in St. Louis County have ramped up efforts to create and enforce social host laws. Just last year, the city of Chesterfield, Missouri, passed a social hosting ordinance that would hold adult...

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A Rockstar, Vehicular Manslaughter, and Prescription Pills

By Jason Korner of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in Vehicular Manslaughter on Tuesday, May 7, 2013. The recent arrest of Todd Harrell for vehicular manslaughter can teach us valuable lessons. Harrell, the bassist for the band Three Doors Down, was arrested in Nashville following an accident resulting in the death of a man in another vehicle. During the police investigation, Harrell failed field sobriety tests, admitted to drinking, admitted to taking the painkiller Lortab and the anti-depressant Xanex, and was found in possession of several other pills in his vehicle. Unfortunately, this is not...

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