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Criminal Defense

Car Accidents – Deadliest Days for Teens

teens driving dangerously

Car accidents remain the number one cause of death for teenagers, and this is never truer than during the summer months. The coveted freedom teenagers enjoy during the summer months also leads to poor decision-making that can result in drunken teens behind the wheel. Although teens are not legally able to buy alcohol, the freedom of summer generally provides opportunities for teens to drink. Teenage drunk driving is the main reason why summer is referred to as the “100 Deadliest Days” for teens.   Summer is a time of experimentation for many teenagers, and that experimenting often includes alcohol and drugs. Teenagers...

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What You Must Know After Your DWI Traffic Stop

an officer conducting a dwi traffic stop

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in Breath Test Refusal on Thursday, September 18, 2014. Please keep reading this post to learn important information about what you should after your DWI traffic stop. Things You Need to Know After a DWI Traffic Stop Are you a Missouri resident who has chosen to refuse a breath test in connection with your DWI case? If so, you may believe that an impending license suspension is unavoidable. Others may have told you that you will automatically lose the right to drive after refusing a breathalyzer during a DWI...

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