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Looking for a DWI Lawyer? Read This First

a qualified dwi lawyer

  As a DWI lawyer in the St. Louis area, I have a lot of conversations with people looking for representation in DWI cases. Many times these people are dealing with a first offense driving while intoxicated charge and a pending drivers license suspension. One of the more interesting things about these conversations is when the people discuss what some other attorneys have told them about their cases. I guess it should not come as too much of a surprise that promises are made and consequences are either inflated or minimized depending on the sales pitch and personality of the...

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What You Must Know After Your DWI Traffic Stop

an officer conducting a dwi traffic stop

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in Breath Test Refusal on Thursday, September 18, 2014. Please keep reading this post to learn important information about what you should after your DWI traffic stop. Things You Need to Know After a DWI Traffic Stop Are you a Missouri resident who has chosen to refuse a breath test in connection with your DWI case? If so, you may believe that an impending license suspension is unavoidable. Others may have told you that you will automatically lose the right to drive after refusing a breathalyzer during a DWI...

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Can You Be Subject to License Suspension if Cleared of DWI?

On behalf of The Law Office of Jason A. Korner posted in Driver's License Suspension or Revocation on Friday, September 26, 2014. Can your driver's license be suspended even if you were cleared of criminal charges for driving while intoxicated? In Missouri, the answer might be "yes." That is because driver's license suspensions and revocations are managed in both criminal and administrative forums. Reversing a license suspension that was precipitated by DWI charges may require more effort than you would initially imagine. What happens after I am arrested? First, you need to understand the administrative process associated with license suspension. When...

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