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The Importance of Preserving Evidence

Best St. Louis Criminal Defense Attorney

St. Louis Criminal Defense Attorney Jason Korner Many of the blogs on this website answer commonly asked questions that are often asked by clients. This post serves as more of a public service announcement. Sometimes there is a gap in time between an incident or an allegation and when a person consults with an attorney. Sometimes the gap in time is only a day or two, but other times it can be weeks or months. All of this is lost time when it comes to gathering and preserving potential pieces of key evidence for the defense. Some items of potential evidence...

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Is He Said She Said Enough to Convict Someone of a Crime?

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St. Louis Criminal Defense Attorney Jason Korner There are many cases, whether a domestic stealing, domestic assault, or sexual assault that prosecutor’s attempt to prove with “he said she said” evidence. This is to say that there is no other evidence than one person’s word against another person’s word. There are many people who would say there is no evidence to prove something happened if it is one person’s work against another person’s word, but that is not true. If a judge or jury believes the accuser as opposed to the person who says nothing happened, then can be a conviction?...

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What Rights Do I Give Up If I Plead Guilty to a Crime?

Pleading Guilty to a Crime Can Have Dire Consequences You give up many rights when you plead guilty to a crime. The majority of the rights that you give up are related to your right to a trial. You also give up your right to an appeal. Pleading guilty is an extremely important decision that should not be made lightly. Many lawyers are scared by trials and only want to have their clients plead guilty, but a skilled criminal defense lawyer will look at all possible trial defenses before recommended any guilty plea to a client. It is important to understand you...

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New Police Tactics for Rural Missouri DWI Cases

New Police Tactics for Rural Missouri DWI Cases It has recently come to my attention that some counties in Missouri are employing a bold new strategy for the investigation of DWI cases. The police in these counties have been told not to administer any field sobriety tests as part of a drunk driving investigation. This bold strategy comes directly from the elected prosecuting attorney in those counties, which raises significant issues about the role of a prosecutor in criminal investigations, but I will get to that in a minute. The goal of this new strategy is to keep skilled DWI defense...

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